Today I got to give my first blessing! My friend Brook was at Cluff bonds doing backflips off the rope swings and she landed on her head...she been having migraines since last night and has been throwing up all day. So her roommate Kaylen came and got me and asked me to give Brook a blessing. I had my friend Colton with me (we were about to go to a Sunday taco party...) and got him to run home and grab some oil. So I gave my first blessing! I felt really calm, and I had just got back from church where I had just born my testimony, so I could still feel the spirit pretty strongly. I told her she would make a speedily recovery, and have no lasting harmful impact from her accident...I'm hoping that god will honor the blessing...I definitely didn't get an impression to not tell her that, but I'm not sure if I was really inspired to tell her she'd get better either...So pray for her and maybe the blessing will be honored :P I've actually been playing home teacher alot this weekend, yesterday I got a distress call from Payge about a snake in her apartment. At first I thought it was a prank, since her and her roommates seem to like to play jokes on me alot...but I came anyways. It was a baby California King snake, it was super cool. I caught it and then kept it in my pocket while I went shopping for a snake cage at thrift stores. After I had caught it and was told it was harmless Payge calmed down and even accompanied me to go find a snake cage. Unfortunately most of the stores around here close at 5 for some I couldn't find one. When I was getting out of the car the snake got out of my pocket and was loose in my car. I couldn't find it so I named it Hudini the escape artist. I looked again today and still didn't find it. But then a little later I saw Hudini flattened in the road behind my car...poor little guy. He was super cool. Anyways that was another fun adventure. I even got dinner out of it. Payge is determined to teach me how to cook, and to find a yummy recipe that I can eat without dying. It's a worthy ambition, I think I like Payge :P.
Here's a pic of baby Hudini and me :) 
Besides the churchy stuff this week (I think I went to....6 different institute classes?) the most interesting activity of the week was water pong (beer pong with water). My dormates have played it just about every night from 11 till around 2 or 3, and it gets really intense. I went to another party yesterday and they had water pong set up...and I dominated. We're all definitely all too practiced at that game now :P Sometime when I'm home I'll have to teach everyone how to play. There's so many different variations and rules you can add in that make it so much fun. There's a few other drinking games we've played as well. Sam, the 21 year old non member is the guy who's an expert on them.
I did my laundry finally! I overstuffed the dryer so much that my clothes didn't I used my roommates fans and dried them that way.
-A quick note on my rooming situation so mom won't worry too much
So, my roommates...they're all from Idaho, pretty chill guys, the only problem is they're not all that Mormon...and they like to watch R-x rated movies really late at night. They don't do this that often, but it's kinda annoying when they do, because I can't sleep or really stand to be in the same room as the movies. Generally I've been lucky enough to be out late the night they watch the movies, once or twice I've just gone on late night walks which are really nice and peaceful. I'm planning on switching into Cimmeron and Ben's room (they're both super strong members, Ben is an RM). I just have to wait till Conner gets kicked out. He comes home either drunk or high every it's just a matter of time before he gets caught and kicked out. We all placed bets...I said 3 weeks. So anyways once he's gone, Chazz, the kid with an extremely loud speaker system that blasts rap music all the time is going to trade me rooms, he doesn't want to leave until Conner's gone though, since they came up together and are pretty good friends. I could speed up the process by just texting one of the RA's (they're the students in charge of the dorms) when he's drunk. But I figured I'm not in too big of a rush to leave.
Speaking of late night last one was at 2 in the morning last Tuesday. Why do you care? Because that was the night I locked the keys of my car in my truck at a friend's house. I was going to leave their house at midnight...but then I realized I didn't have my keys...So I got a ride with a friend back to the dorms. When I got back my roommates were watching a...highly inappropriate I looked up a video on picking locks, grabbed a wire hanger and ran back to my friends house. After working on it for a while in the dark, I realized that it was pretty much impossible to get the lock in the dark so I ran back. I ran into some black guys in front of the dorms who offered to help if I needed it. They said they'd sprung plenty of locks before :P Anyways I went back and got a headlight, watched a few more videos on picking locks, got a shoe lace...and then ran back. I got it eventually around 1:30. I took a victory picture too :D Sorry I'm shirtless...I felt more manly picking locks shirtless...:P Usually I wouldn't have cared enough, but I had a lab out at Discovery Park at 8 that morning for ecology (it's this riparian observatory place...where they have a frog hatchery for endangered species it's super cool!) and to make matters worse I had promised to drive Sam, and didn't have anyone's number that I could ask a ride for. So I kinda had to pick the lock that night.
I didn't use the wire hanger, that turned out to be too flimsy, I found a random wire in the bed of the truck and used that.
I found some other reasons why this school was pretty much meant for me this week. My boss and lots of other people around here actually know what essential oils are...and use them! They probably wouldn't even think I'm crazy if I talked about energy work! It was funny because my boss recommended me to someone who does muscle testing to help me find food that I'm not allergic too...and then I was kinda shocked...because...everyone there knew about muscle was awesome.
Also, I've met like...4 girls who are gluten free, and two of them are allergic to corn too, and one of them is allergic to corn and milk! I'm not alone in the world! Were definitely going to have gluten free parties where we trade recipes and make brownies and stuff :D Tonight a girl shared some of her gluten free pizza with me. She said Costco carries it in case anyone's wondering. Oh and Papa John's has gluten free pizza btw. So mom, next time I'm in town we're going to papa John's, since there isn't one here.
I'm learning all sorts of awesome stuff over here!
Oh that reminds me, swing dancing! It was THE BEST swing dancing I've ever experienced! There were lots of people there, and everyone I danced with was super cool and let me do whatever fun tricks I could pull off. I learned so much. People taught me all sorts of lifts and fancy tricks that I'd never seen before.
I also met a girl who used to dance at 12 W main (that's the swing club I used to go to) and she apparently drives down there every other week or so and then stays the night and drives back up Thursday morning. I'm going to go with her sometime. I only have choir and work on Thursdays, and It's really easy to switch my work schedule and I'm sure Dr. Bishop would be ok with me missing if I told him in advance. I'd just need to get all my friends who still live in Gilbert to go, so I can see them and then hitch a ride with them back to our house. Then I could grab everything I might need for college and drive back up :D I think she's going this Wednesday, but I won't go, since you're all coming up here in 2 weeks anyways...
Oh and I might get a choir scholarship to take private lessons :D He said if there's anymore money in the budget I could have it, but he has to check.
Well...I think that's about it for this week! I'm lovin' life! Really the only stress I've had was trying to figure out how to sing solos in guys...I've never sang a solo before, and he have me like 6 of them just in the two songs were working on...So that's exciting :P I'll figure it out eventually...I just get nervous singing solos...
Anyways hope everyone's doing well, see ya all later! :)
-B-Rice (There's two Bryce's here, and we're both friends with sorta the same I've started going by B-Rice...haha)
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